Origin Story
Did I even have a body?
My vision to create Claybrook Yoga comes from many years of seeking safe spaces to bring my full self physically and spiritually.
I didn't even realize that I had a body or that I needed to work to maintain it---until I had children. Up until that time I felt like a spiritual being and denied the physicality of the world. Once I had children - I put myself and my needs last--I was sleep deprived, weighted down, and my body was totally out of sync.
A friend of mine invited me to a Silent Meditation and Yoga retreat for 3 days. Even though I had a little one--I jumped on the experience (after all I just wanted quiet and sleep!) Once I took my first Yoga class-- it literally changed my life: I felt like I had energy again, I actually felt GOOD in my body, I felt prepared to go back home to my little one knowing that there was a physical and mindfulness practice to help myself stay grounded and feel healthy again.
Claybrook Yoga aims to create a safe space for women to experience Yoga for mobility, health, and relaxation. By grounding into the physical postures of Yoga, each person is brought into deeper presence, alignment, and connection to spirit.
My vision for those who experience my Yoga classes, is for them to walk out the door with a sense of calm, peace, and presence, feeling that they can manage the stressors in their lives.